Tinsel Tango is an original oil painting by Alexander Millar.
"Christmas was not really celebrated in the faith community that I was brought up in.
So the excitement and magic of Christmas passed me by as a young lad.
But I'm making up for it now, with every year that passes I love Christmas time more and more.
However I hark back to that era in the sixties, when decorations were paper chains, and the most exotic thing on the tree woud be some red and gold or blue and green tinsel.
Last year, as the lovely people at PURIST GIN asked me to produce a label for their award winning Art Gin, with a signed, limited edition of my art on a bottle.
Tinsel Tango is in a dramatic black frame and can be vewed in our Glasgow gallery. Email: info@alexandermillar.com for more details.
For more information please email info@alexandermillar.com or call 07776 162038
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