Sunny Day, Pittenweem

Width (artwork only):
30cm approx.
Height (artwork only):
25cm approx.
Width (including frame):
50cm approx.
Height (including frame):
45cm approx.

Sunny Day, Pittenweem is an original oil painting by Alexander Millar.

"Drier and sunnier than the rest of Scotland, Fife feels like a different country!

Pittenweem’s fishermens’ cottages huddle around an ancient harbour, catching the morning light and basking in the sun on those endless summer days.

It's the sort of place that make you think of childhood days at the seaside."

Sunny Day, Pittenweem is in a dramatic frame.

Save 25% on this artwork in April & May 2024 by calling our Glasgow Gallery or ordering here (discount applied at checkout stage).

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