Nearly Hame

Width (artwork only):
13cm approx.
Height (artwork only):
17cm approx.
Width (including frame):
31cm approx.
Height (including frame):
36cm approx

Nearly Hame is a small, original oil painting by Alexander Millar.

“Before and after a full working day, my dad and many of his workmates would have to cycle to and from work.

So after a day's hard labour, there was always that last push to get home for dinner."

Nearly Hame is from 'Little Gems' collection - a mixture of original landscapes and 'gadgie' characters that are painted on a smaller scale than Alexander Millar's usual canvas sizes. The oversized, dramatic frames contrast in scale with the painting, creating highly impactful artworks suitable for any wall space.

Nearly Hame is in a dramatic, oversized black/silver frame with a sliver slip and can be viewed in our Glasgow gallery.
Save 25% on this artwork in April & May 2024 by calling our Glasgow Gallery or ordering here (discount applied at checkout stage).
Tel 0141 221 7565 or email

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